Legacies / Perinnöt
a photographic and sound installation about Finnish settlement, extractive industry & colonialism in Northern Ontario, Canada
April 7–27
Forum Kortteli, Turku
Opening Event:
Tuesday, April 8, 5–7pm
Discussion Event:
Wednesday, April 23, 3-5pm
Sound and Environment Meet & Greet
Friday, April 11, 14.00–16.00
Kone Foundation Kamari, Tehtaankatu 21 B 45, 5th floor, Helsinki
Are you working on/with sound recordings focussed on the environment and/or nature in your art or research?
Would you like to connect with other artists and researchers engaged in these themes?
Join us for afternoon coffee at Kamari on Friday, April 11, for a chance to meet others, share our work, and discuss sound and the environment.
Please sign-up by April 4, so we can plan accordingly. Sign-up form:
FOHN 2024 - Memory in Movement: Pace, Connection & Introspection
“Settler Memory, Forest Memory: Place, Pace, and Feelings in Finnish Migration History”
University of Jyväskylä
Työväen historian ja perinteen tutkimuksen seuran 2024 kesäseminaari
“Työ, metsä, asutuskolonialismi – Pohjois-Ontarion historia ja muisteltu kanadansuomalaisuus”
Werstas, Tampere
“Mapping Finnishness in the Thunder Bay Area” Workshop
When: Tuesday, June 13, 2023, from 6 pm to 8 pm
Where: Suomi Koti Blue Room (527 County Blvd, Thunder Bay) -
Tieteiden yö: Miten Suomen koloniaalisuus näkyy arjessa?
18.00 - 20.00
Ravintola Kustaa Vaasa
Vaasankatu 10, Helsinki -
Public Lecture at the Univeristy of Saskatchewan
“Building That Bright Future: Finnish North Americans in Soviet Karelia”
Monday, September 19, 2022
Arts 211, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK
Public Lecture at the Calgary Finlandia Cultural Association
”Finnish North American Life in Soviet Karelia”
Sunday, September 11, 20226:30pm
Viking Hall, Scandinavian Centre, 739 20 Ave NW, Calgary, AB
Thunder Bay Book Launch
Book Launch of Building That Bright Future: Soviet Karelia in the Life Writing of Finnish North Americans
Thursday, August 18, 2022
Entershine Book Shop, Thunder Bay, ON